Coinbase® Extension®

With Coinbase Wallet extension, you are asked to write down your 12 word recovery phrase and store it in a secure location. This is because private keys, which ...

Creating a 12-word recovery phrase (also known as a seed phrase) is part of the process of setting up a cryptocurrency wallet on platforms like Coinbase. The recovery phrase is used to restore access to your wallet in case you forget your password or lose access to your account. Here's a general guide on how this process typically works:

  1. Sign Up:

    • If you don't have a Coinbase account, you'll need to sign up on the Coinbase platform.

  2. Access Wallet Settings:

    • After signing up and logging into your account, navigate to the settings or wallet settings section. This may vary slightly depending on the platform's interface.

  3. Generate Recovery Phrase:

    • Look for an option related to security or account recovery. There should be an option to generate a recovery phrase or seed phrase.

  4. Write Down the 12 Words:

    • Once prompted, the platform will provide you with a 12-word recovery phrase. It's crucial to write down these words in the correct order and keep them in a secure and private location. This recovery phrase is the key to accessing your funds in case of any issues.

  5. Confirm the Recovery Phrase:

    • Some platforms may ask you to confirm the recovery phrase by entering it again to ensure you've written it down correctly.

  6. Secure Storage:

    • Store the recovery phrase in a safe and offline location. Avoid storing it digitally or sharing it with anyone.

Remember, this is a general guide, and the exact steps may vary based on updates to the Coinbase platform or changes in its user interface. Always follow the instructions provided by Coinbase during the account setup process. If you encounter any issues or have specific questions about the process, it's recommended to contact Coinbase support for assistance.

Last updated